Gunston Undertakers

Finding solutions to problems. That's what you need to do when you have some dead cunt loitering in your hallway. The dead cunt is a problem. And Gunston Undertakers are the Solution. In summary, we will make your big fucking problem go away into a big fucking hole.
Continue below to read our easy-to-follow "Two Stages of Grief" in order to help yourself through this most trying phase in your life:

Stage 1.
The cunt is dead. No need to dwell on it. Get on with your life immediately. Fuck the dead. Get wasted and piss on their grave.
Or, if you're not feeling up to pissing on their grave just yet, pay Trevor $10 bucks and he'll do it.
Disposal, that's where we at Gunston Undertakers come in. We are experts at discreetly waiting for nightfall and then racing around the quarry in Trevor's ute with the tailgate dropped down dumping cadavers off the back.
Stage 2.